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Government Of Assam Secondary Education

Distribution of Ladies Bicycle

With an objective of reducing the dropout rate of Girls students at Secondary level and to increase enrollment of Girls, Govt of Assam is providing free bicycles to school going Girls up to Class-X studying in Govt. and provincialized High/Higher Secondary Schools. Increasing Mobility and Socialization are the positive outcomes that has been observed amongst the school going girls. This has resulted in easy transportation for the Girls.
The scheme is implemented by the Director of Secondary Education, Assam, Kahilipara. The beneficiaries are selected by the Inspector of Schools during every financial year and forwarded to the Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam. The fund is released to the Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam for distribution of bicycles to the Girls students in each district of Assam through the Inspectors of Schools.

Year-wise distribution of ladies bi-cycles:
